News Release

Formulation of Consolidated General Employer Action Plan for the Act on the Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-generation Children and the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace

Nikken Foods Co., Ltd. – General Employer Action Plan

The following action plan was formulated to provide an employment environment enabling a balance of work and family life for all corporate employees of both genders.

1. Overall Plan Period: April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2026 (5 years)

2. Goals, Implementation Period, and Initiatives

◆Goal #1: Increase average length of service of full-time female employees
to at least 70% that of their male counterparts’ (current rate: 69.23%)

Initiative #1: Identify/analyze issues hindering improvement of the continued employment rate
From April 2021: Survey characteristics of working environments conducive to sustained female employment
From October 2021: Assess survey results, and, based on the current situation, analyze potential initiatives to improve female employee retention, and implement selected initiatives
From April 2022: Assess flex time implementation and amend corporate regulations (as necessary)
From April 2023: Trial run of new system
From April 2024: Implement new system

Initiative #2: Promote Annual Paid Leave Usage
From April 2021: Assess usage of paid leave spanning at least 5 days, and provide guidance to departments deficient in such usage
From April 2021: Promote and assess usage of consecutive leave twice annually (summer, winter)

◆Goal #2: Open the Nikken organic farm to employees and their families twice annually
for the dual purposes of family interaction and farming experience

Implementation Period and Details
From April 2021: Create review committee; initiate assessments of implementations
From October 2021: Trial run of harvesting experience per review committee plan; assess identified issues
From March 2022: Host organic vegetable seed-planting event
From October 2022: Host event for harvesting organic vegetables, conduct employee survey,announce results, assess comparable future events

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  • Formulation of Consolidated General Employer Action Plan for the Act on the Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-generation Children and the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace
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